Friday, August 24, 2012

Not-so Live from the Chemo Room 27

Loyal readers the world over have been asking, "did you get your results yet?" Yes, and I will share them in a sec. But I was waiting because now that I've mentioned my new column three times in row here on this blog, I thought I'd wait until they had worked out their technical difficulties so I could link to "What to Expect When You're Metastasizing" over on Alas, it wasn't to be this week. It seems the non-profit gets its Web Design love as a pro-bono project of the media company that employs IHC's founder. The name of said firm? Squeaky Wheel Media. Oh, the irony.

So, what was is it you'd asked about? Oh, right, the scan results. You know, it's been an anxiety-filled week around our house. School started, and our twins are in different classes for the first time, plus it's in a new school. We spent most of the summer with one of them on edge. The Big Day finally arrived, and it went off with relative ease - only mild nerves and butterflies. Day Two did involve a trip to the nurse's station and Marcie getting four calls before noon, but we made it through and the remainder of the week has gone well. Having never shared a womb, I can't imagine how hard it can be for the two of them when faced with the reality that while they'll always have each other, they may not have each other right there next to them. So any anxiety over my results was overshadowed, as it should be!

I should also take a moment to comment on Lance Armstrong, who last night released a carefully worded announcement that he would drop his right to appeal the US Anti Doping Agency's case against him. I've been a big fan of Lance for many years. I raised money for Livestrong a couple years ago when I ran the Pittsburgh Half Marathon, and I've been know to pass out yellow bracelets to friends and family. Whatever he did or didn't do over seven Tour de France wins, only Lance (and possibly that French guy he always took with him to the bathroom) knows the truth. What he's done since then with his foundation continues to deserve our support and admiration. So what's the bottom line? If Barry Bonds wants to be remembered for something, he should start raising money to eradicate hunger. Livestrong will be likely be around doing great work long after the cyclists of Lance's generation have peed into their last specimen cup.

The scan results you say, what are they? 

Nothing new in the pelvis, he abdomen is clear, nothing on the liver, nothing in the neck. The lung spots have not grown and there are no new ones observed. It's good news, friends. 

Much love to some new members of the club - you know who are. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Live from the CT Scan Prep Room

Yes, it's that time again. Today's CT scan will tell us how effective that round of stereotactic radiation was at eliminating the spots in my lungs. "Spots" as if we're talking about red wine stains on carpet. They're tumors. And hopefully by next week we'll learn that they are dead.

Today we're scanning neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis - which gets me a little closer to knowing what's going on (or hopefully not going on) from head to toe. Still seeking a good answer to the question "how do you know I don't have cancer in my toes?" but I guess that's a mystery I can live with.

I mentioned in my last post the column I was writing for the I Had Cancer website. Well the first one should be online next Monday. I'm calling the column What To Expect When You're Metastasizing, and it will be a sort of How-To guide for dealing with cancer, from diagnosis to various treatments, relationships, etc. Some of the subjects are similar to those covered in my book, but the perspective is a little different, as are the punchlines.

Stay tuned for scan results (next week) and more!