Friday, August 17, 2012

Live from the CT Scan Prep Room

Yes, it's that time again. Today's CT scan will tell us how effective that round of stereotactic radiation was at eliminating the spots in my lungs. "Spots" as if we're talking about red wine stains on carpet. They're tumors. And hopefully by next week we'll learn that they are dead.

Today we're scanning neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis - which gets me a little closer to knowing what's going on (or hopefully not going on) from head to toe. Still seeking a good answer to the question "how do you know I don't have cancer in my toes?" but I guess that's a mystery I can live with.

I mentioned in my last post the column I was writing for the I Had Cancer website. Well the first one should be online next Monday. I'm calling the column What To Expect When You're Metastasizing, and it will be a sort of How-To guide for dealing with cancer, from diagnosis to various treatments, relationships, etc. Some of the subjects are similar to those covered in my book, but the perspective is a little different, as are the punchlines.

Stay tuned for scan results (next week) and more!


  1. Myles,

    Hoping for a clean report! I'll look for your column.


    1. Thanks Betty! Was glad to read that you're home. Keep up those long walks!
