Round and Round and Round
This probably isn't what Joni had in mind, but today marked my return to the track, and it was great to see some old friends and many of the new crew I'd been hearing about since last Fall. John and Wes go back to the Black Mat Running Club days at Tucker High, before they tore the place up and made it all fancy. E's been my self-described running sister for years now, and they even made sure that I wasn't the oldest runner there (thanks Robyn). David, Eileen, and Kate - hope we'll see out there soon!
An 800 and a trio of 400's isn't much to write home about, but it sure felt good to me. Five times around the really cushy surface at St Pius is enough to make you realize 1) us Jews have nothing on these Catholic folks when it comes to raising money and 2) you won't hear me complaining about the boredom of track workouts anytime soon.
and the painted ponies go up and down