I also had a nice surprise from Austin, TX today. Check out this pic from the support wall at a Livestrong Conference. Sandi was kind enough not only to put my name up there, but she also promoted this very blog. Wouldn't it be cool if caregivers from all over cancer-dom picked up on my blog, and then I could turn on the advertising feature, start making big bucks from click throughs on Google ads for "9 things your doctor doesn't want you to know about you ostomy," or "new anti-viagra shrinks tumors for 36 hours." In the meantime, you should get to know Sandi's organization. It's called SuperSibs and it provides resources to support siblings of kids who have cancer.
Good people doing really good things. A bunch of them are at that Livestrong conference touching the lives of thousands every day. Some are sitting up in Wisconsin hoping the snow doesn't cover the satellite dish come Sunday. Some are our parents who either come down from the mountain to help with the kids, or who call every day from Kittredge Ct.asking how he can help. Others are friends checking in from port in Key West, from a sleepy house in Roma, from a studio in Palm Coast, or from work in Denver, Miami, Charleston, or good ole Tucker, GA. My thanks to all of you for what you're doing for me and for the good things you do for others every day.
May the Karma Keepers take note and repay you in kindness and love.
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