Monday, June 25, 2012

Lessons from the Centenarians Club - Baltimore Chapter

After 104 years, you've probably learned a thing or two.

Fortunately, Marcie's grandmother Mary, is still of perfectly sound mind, incredible spirit, and impressive body. So even at her age, she was able to fully, thoroughly enjoy having her 2 children, 4 of her  grandchildren, and 5 of her great grandchildren with her for last weekend's festivities. She attended services at her synagogue on Saturday, as she does every Saturday, made her way to the pulpit for a speaking part in the service (called an "aliyah") , received good wishes from her fellow congregants at a reception after services, and travelled to a restaurant for a late lunch with the family. Her helper Doris (yes, Grandma lives in her own apartment still) quipped that the two of them would have to work extra hard at the gym after all that food.

The gym? Grandma goes to the gym 2 or 3 times per week. Having bought the lifetime membership 5 or 6 years ago, I guess she wants to get her money's worth.

Sunday morning brought brunch at Marcie's Aunt and Uncle's house. Grandma posed for pictures, refusing to hold her cane until she was sure the cameras were off. When it was time for my family to head to the airport, we were given a large tote bag, filled with treats Grandma had baked and frozen for us - mandel bread, raisin horns, cookies, mandlen (soup nuts), and chocolate-covered peanut butter balls. Luckily, that gene apparently passed through the paternal side of Marcie's family, because she too is quite the baker. We're hoping the longevity gene works the same way.

Later that day, Aunt Ilene and Uncle Elliot took Grandma out to a Mediterranean restaurant for dinner,  followed by a stroll around Baltimore's Inner Harbour.  I'm guessing she was the only walker whose age exceeded the high temperature that day.

So what are the lessons?

Be active - I met Grandma when she was a spry 82 year old. She continued to drive for the next dozen or so years, walked the mall in the mornings into her late 90's, and continues, to this day, to cook and bake for herself and her family. And the gym - did I mention the gym?

Enjoy your family - Marcie hasn't had much of a relationship with her biological father as an adult, but she stayed close to Grandma. Friday nights at Grandma's are among the memories of her childhood that Marcie cherishes most. And not just because of the homemade gefilte fish! Grandma was truly moved to see everyone this weekend, just as we were to see her. Ilene and Elliot deserve a huge thanks for helping us get there and for hosting.

Be happy - Easy to say, but in these 20 plus years that I've known her, I never once heard Grandma complain about an ache here or a pain there. Think about how many people you know in their 70's, 60's or even 50's spend most of their free time discussing maladies, doctor visits and the like. Hell, look at me - I'm 46 and I've written 24 columns on chemo treatments alone! I'm sure Grandma has her issues, but you'd never know it from talking with her.

Most people I know when asked if they'd want to live to 104 would say "no," because their view of someone that age involves nursing homes, soft foods, and the sunken look that comes from knowing you've outlived most of your generation and half of the next one. Take a look in Grandma's eyes, and you tell me. Is she not one of the happiest, healthiest, and most content-looking people of any age you've ever seen?

Happy Birthday Mary Shofer, with love and admiration, from the Beskinds.

UPDATE - It's official, Willard Scott says so!

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