Friday, November 4, 2011

Live from the Chemo Room #14

Well this is a first. No visit with Dr. Z, nor with Tawana, his PA. Just vitals, blood work, pee in a cup, and straight back to the infusion room for a little Zometa with an Avastin chaser. Then the real party begins - the drive to Savannah with my 3 buddies for a half marathon (see last post). I'm not complaining, since the $45 copay only applies if you see the doc, leaving more beer money for this weekend.

I am concerned for my friends, since two of their spouses have now reported to me that they are not at all prepared for the race, and Danny even predicted it would be a "bloodbath." All I can say is, as Elizabeth reminded me yesterday, it's been less than I year since I was diagnosed with, you know, metastatic colon cancer, and I'm planning to run the whole 13.1 miles. But no pressure. I'm sure they'll only walk if they really need to...
Look out I-16, here we come!

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