Friday, January 20, 2012

Setbacks, Leaps Forward

It's a setback. That's all.

The news that some suspiciously cancerish spots have popped up in my lung is a setback. You have to expect them, you know. Nobody skates through a pretty serious case of metastatic colon cancer without them.

Setbacks happen.

They happened to Dawn, my hero who had liver metastases 9 years ago. They happened to my Imerman Angel buddy who battled through tough surgeries and nasty chemo for years before reclaiming his "normal" life.

They're happening to me.

I wasn't ready for setbacks. I was on a trajectory from illness to wellness. Next stop, marathon. Except there are potholes in the road, and I can't avoid them all.

But seeing the potholes is a leap forward. Knowing the setbacks can pop up at any time and being mentally prepared to deal with them is a leap forward. Being strong, physically, emotionally strong is a leap forward.

Leaping forward happens... for me.


  1. Thank you for posting, Myles. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

  2. Myles keep fighting the brave fight and know that God is walking to see you through. My prayers go out too you.


  3. You are truly amazing Myles. You are so right...setbacks happen. And when we don't expect any setbacks, we set ourselves up for failure.

    Consider us among your most fervent cheer leaders and as one of my nieces says one of your "prayer warriors".

