Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Valentines Day, Grab Your Kleenex

You ready for the sweetest VD story ever? Wait that didn't sound right. A & J's class had their little party today and they made cards. They could choose from making cards for their friends, for a foundation that helps sick kids, or... me!

Super mom and survivor BL asked my kids if they thought it would be ok to include me in the list. They did, and I had a collection of wonderful handmade cards when I got home tonight. Not every kid made one and the ones who didn't are no longer welcome at my home naturally, but the others were really sweet. Only kidding. I will get my revenge on Auction Night by "accidentally" adding a couple hundred to any winning bids from the parents of these uncaring adolescents. It's good to be the King, or in this case, the Auctioneer.

We don't usually do big Valentines stuff around here, but we made a little more effort this year. Little A helped me dip strawberries, bananas, animal crackers, and blood orange slices in chocolate (white and semi-sweet) after work, which we all enjoyed after dinner. I'm leaving out any whining, crying, gnashing of teeth, not to mention the kids' behavior, and choosing to remember only the good parts. It's best for everyone that way.

Friends, I hope your day was delightful too. If not, use that selective memory trick. Or a jager shot.
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1 comment:

  1. thank God for selective memory tricks. love this valentine story.
