Seeing B-man may only remind me how not in shape I am. I need to focus on running so I can be ready for Peachtree on July 4th, but I want to restart P90x ASAP. My weight is actually good, but it is all in my belly. Time to shred from there and add back to my chest, shoulders, back, and arms! (yes, I'm talking about muscle in those areas, not hair.) Hoping the new chemo routine will allow me to do just that!
Met the Zapologist today. Looks like we will do 5 treatments spread over 2 weeks. I also got my first 3 tattoos today. Actual needle under the skin permanent marks on my torso. Why the last ones used Sharpies but this time I get Hells Angels ink, I have no idea. But I do have a sudden urge to don leather, drink beer, and straddle 1200 cc's of American-made iron.
Anybody know a good biker bar in Johns Creek?
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