Wednesday, January 19, 2011

If you group hug me, I'm gonna puke!

Cancer is a lonely disease. Even when surrounded by people who care about you, love you and would do anything for you, it can be lonely. That's why there are support groups, but I've never been a big support group guy. I just picture a room full of people a lot older and sicker than me saying things like:

Hi, I'm Bertha, and last month I had a colectomy 
Group (enthusiastically): Hi Bertha!

Oy vey!

But I did hear about a local group and I'm going to give it a shot tonight. If there's really a Bertha in attendance, I will not be able to suppress a guffaw.

Even cooler, the folks at Livestrong, my favorite charity-started-by-a-guy-who-looks-increasingly-guilty-of-blood-doping, referred me to something called Imerman Angles (, that matches people living with cancer with those who have survived, often the exact type and stage that the patient is dealing with. You call in or fill out a form online that does a great job of getting the details of who you are, specifics about the cancer you have, treatments you've had or plan to have, what you're most concerned about, etc. Then you get to rank how important each of those factors are in making a match.  I did it last night, and before lunch today, I received a call from a "matcher" who listened to my story and who will look in their database and make a match. I'll let you know how it goes from there, but I had no idea there was such an amazing service available. Of course it's free, and they even provide prepaid phone cards to people who can't afford to talk long distance to a match.

There's a special place in heaven for people who come up with ideas like that. And when I get there in 50 years or so, I'm going to be sure to thank them. 

1 comment:

  1. yes, it can "feel" lonely, and you are going to have those "dark" moments.....but the good thing about having those "upbeat" people around (you can curse me anytime lol) that they will BRING and LIFT you out of that dark place ..cause see...that "dark place" to me is the cancer (demon) trying to pull you down and make you of course you are allowed to "feel" it..but it doesn;t mean that those who love you have to let you stay there! You are doing Great, you really are! Keep your faith and you will have LESS darkness! Chin up! Sandy and David
