Thursday, January 13, 2011

Live from the Chemo Room!

I've been hooked up for a couple hours now, getting all sorts of not-chemo infusions. Anti-nausea drugs, steroids, a calcium-magnesium cocktail, and a shot of Jim Beam. The chemo comes last apparently. Then I get to go home and try to organize the collection of pills that now fills my night table. Seriously, it looks like it belongs to an 80 year old woman (no offense, octogenarians, nonogenarians, or Marcie's 102 year old grandmother). Marcie says all it's missing is a crochet Kleenex box cover.

We're totally scoring points with the nurses here. First, I showed up with a plate of Marcie's cookies for them, then she offered to pick up Chick-fil-A when she went out to get salads for the two of us.  If you treat the cable guy nice, he might "accidentally" turn on HBO for free. 
Not sure what we can expect here. Any thoughts? (That's my way of encouraging you to comment on my post.)

Here's how much of an anti-cancer diet freak I've become. I'm sitting here debating whether I'm going to eat the dressing that comes with the salad because I'm sure it has high fructose corn syrup and other crap I shouldn't eat. I'm trying to reduce the processed food intake big-time (Chick-fil-a notwithstanding). My Facebook friends already saw that today's breakfast was steel cut oats with flax seeds, blueberries, and a little agave as a sweetener. Dinner last night was a stir fry that included my first ever attempt at tempeh. I've had it before (I think it was with Stan D at R. Thomas on Peachtree - sound right, Stan?) and it really was good, almost meat-like. My attempt - not so much. Wasn't bad, but it tasted like brown rice patty with soy sauce. 

Anyway, I did a little work while the infusion pump pumped away this morning, and will now take a break to have lunch with my beloved. Next time I'll bring candles and hire a violinist. 


  1. well you know...they had a jazz player (not kidding) when Joe was going through his chemo, and hey..I was attempting to be a violinist back in the day...I can try a string or two, but more likely going to hear "squeeking" instead of music in your ears! Marcie...way to go on the kleenex box with a crochet coat on it...get busy can get lessons online FREE now! lol Love ya'll..keep up the humor, I will try to keep up with you! haha

  2. The cable guy karma plan sounds like a good move to me! Hang in there Myles--

  3. Cable karma is the best. They'll do most anything if you treat them like actual humans :-)
